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Recoil Mitigator

The   Speech

              How often do you go the gun range and shoot your Everyday Carry Pistol (EDC)? How about your partner or kids? Studies show that to be able to react in a reasonable time to an attack (God forbid) that would require the use of your firearm, one should be going to the range and practicing self-defense drills at least every other week. While there is truly no replacement for range dills, there is a solution that would allow for you and your loved ones to be able to handle almost any firearm in a reasonable time in the event of an emergency. Enter The Mitigator. I designed and engineered this product with all of this in mind. As a matter of fact, this idea came about while I was in the car with my wife and kids. We were driving through a notoriously dangerous area, and I had to stop to fill the car up. I pulled out my EDC, as I have what the State of Tennessee calls an “advanced carry permit” which means I can conceal or open carry most places and placed it on the middle console. I then said to my wife as I always do, “Lock the car, and if anyone gets in, unload on them.” Keep in mind that we were in a dangerous area and my kids were also in the car, also my wife didn’t have her pistol this day which she is comfortable with. To my surprise, she then said to me, “I am scared of the recoil from your gun. What if it jumped out of my hands or worse?” She had a point, but I had never thought of that before. I said back to her, “Just do your best and I am sure you will hit them at least once being this close.” I must admit that I was not even satisfied with that answer. Luckily nothing happened that day. Later I was still lingering on that conversation and started looking for solutions to this problem. I found what some call “the gas pedal” and tried it. I quickly found out that this did absolutely nothing for recoil mitigation and it would actually cause you to pull off target if any pressure was applied to it.
























            This set me out to create something that would allow for actual recoil mitigation, allow for both males and females to be able to use it, and would fit on most guns without any modifications. I engineered the Mitigator to have a one-of-a-kind thumb pad. This curvature is truly one of a kind and took weeks to perfect. This custom stippling allows for more than enough bite to ensure that your thumb will not slip off. It attaches to any firearm that has at least a standard length Pica-tinny rail. The magic comes from the unique and patent pending internal lattice structure that carries the force that the user applies from the tip of their thumb that is in contact with the thumb pad to the very end and middle of the female section of the mitigator. Simply put, this design allows you to “JUST PUSH” and the end of the firearm will go STRAIGHT DOWN. Yes, this is very important because no other product will bring the END of the firearm STRAIGHT DOWN without also pulling it left or right. To just cap it all off, it is made of an engineering grade Super Tough composite material giving it the same strength as if were milled out of aircraft grade aluminum, but is lighter than that would be. The Mitigator itself weights less than an ounce.


               So why use it rather than going to the range more? The answer of this comes down to science. 70% of a persons grip strength comes from the utilization of their thumb. Without using this product, a person is required to build up their pectoral and rotator cuff muscles to best control the firearm recoil. This requires a lot of time at the range as there is really no other ways to build these muscles up. If you were to just, try to grip the firearm in any shooting position will your full grip you will not be on target. The gun will more than likely be pulled towards your dominate side. That is unless you have the Mitigator on your gun. This allows for you to grip the firearm at full strength, which means that even people that couldn’t normally control a higher power firearm could just because they can use that extra 70% of strength that they normally couldn’t use. Having this on your EDC allows for peace of mind that you or your loved ones could effectively use the gun in an emergency situation.

Glock 19 with recoil mitigator on tree stump
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